A showered Baby

Bentons Quilt

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Not sure what it is but just recently, it has really hit me, and hit me hard that the baby is seriously coming. It’s not stopping for anyone and I’m the one incubating it’s growth. It was quite early on in my 1st trimester that I had an inkling that our baby would be a boy, though most everyone thought it was a girl since I was craving spicy foods, and since the babys heartbeat was 150/min an oldwives tale tells us that it is destined to be a girl. Even Brandon was dreaming about a baby girl, though when the sex ultrasound revealed we were having a boy…his face just lit up! 🙂 I’ve never grown up with anyone except my sister, so I have NO idea how a little boy develops, what they do, how they play and I certainly need to get used to the whole “grabbing” themselves when they are still so young.

Our good friends Rob and Cye hosted a multi-pregnant ladies baby shower this past Saturday. They did an amazing job with the decor, the games and the food. I can’t imagine how much they had to spend on it but it was such a fun time and just being gathered together with all our friends was really nice.  The gifts were amazing and it was a triple whammy when I opened the gifts and saw everything blue, everything trucks and tractors and everything so…ungirly. I know it sounds terrible. I love our gifts there is no doubt about it, but as much as I had mentally prepared myself for a boy, it was hard. Baby girl clothes are so adorable, so frilly, so pretty. They get to wear bows in their hair, cute little heels and those dresses. They are so adorable! I am however excited to see Benton. I can’t believe I love something that I haven’t physically touched and seen really besides pictures. I still get excited when he squirms and kicks and punches me and I find myself imagining what he could possibly be doing in there. It’s amazing that something is growing inside me, that my belly is capable of stretching to this capacity and more yet.  God really thought of everything when he made us. It’s incredible what is happening to me, to us!

I happened to have so much scrap material from making snuggie wraps and such that I could make an entire playtime quilt for Benton. It took a couple days to put together, not too long but cutting and placing the pieces together took some time, but the hardest part about it was the binding I had to put around the edge of the blanket. With the backing and the front and the padding inbetween PLUS the binding material, it was SO thick by the time I sewed it together that I was so afraid it was going to tear apart my machine. I would hope not since it was rather costly of a machine but who knows! I don’t really feel like bringing it in to get fixed. Who knows how long that would take!

Oh I forgot to put up 2 other ultrasound pictures of Benton, so here goes nothing!

babys back0001

Look at those quads!

Look at those quads!

About bakeyourcakeandeatittoo

I love to bake and I love to eat! Baking is my passion and what I do for a living and it is such a great way for me to show the people I lov
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6 Responses to A showered Baby

  1. Heather says:

    awwwwwww! look at that adorable little baby!! the quilt is SO CUTE!

  2. Christina says:

    aww! I love the quilt, it’s a lovely gift! when my mom had me she says she didn’t know how to handle a girl since she wasn’t girly herself, but I think you’ll end up surprising yourself with how well you get along. =)

  3. hellosteffi says:

    I feel the same way about having a baby boy. My second baby’d better be a girl or i’m seriously going to complain.
    I have 4 sisters, barbies are all i know!

  4. Christina says:

    Hey Val, just wanted to let you know that you won the Clif giveway I had. Just email me at caudagali@yahoo.com with your mailing info so I can send it out. Congrats! =)

  5. Char says:

    Wow! You must be getting very excited. Love seeing your shower gifts!

  6. alexandra says:

    How exciting! A little boy! Congrats congrats congrats!

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